“Asynchronous,” directed by Jasper Capalad
San Diego Short Film Festival
Genre: Sci-Fi / Fantasy
Total Run Time 22:24
The film opens with Micheal (Capalad) rehearsing his wedding proposal to Christina (Makaila Gonzales).
Unbeknownst to both of them, their relationship is about to take a very serious turn. Which exact turn it takes depends on Michael, who is hurled through multiple timelines where he encounters different fates for Christina and their future together.
This one is tough. I want to come at it two different ways. The filmmaking displayed here is top notch. Shots are composed with care and keep the story grounded and understandable even as the plot veers into sci-fi gobbledygook.
The performances are also fantastic, with the two leads conveying the impossibility of their respective situations (multiversally for him, emotionally for her) in deeds and words. Even the bit players are frequently great, with possibly the most realistic news reporter (Jeff Hopkins) that I’ve seen in a short drama and a child actor (Kawaii Alimbuyao) with a brief but heartbreaking performance. Effects, costuming, sets, set dressing – they’re all great.
And now for the story. The official description says, “After a regretful incident, Michael embarks on a multiversal journey to determine the fate of his relationship and his identity.” Let’s be perfectly clear here: The “regretful incident” is domestic assault, in which Michael is first verbally and then physically abusive with Christina.
His George-Bailey-esque jaunt through alternative realities ends up offering explanations for both his transgressions and her forgiving nature, but there was a loud voice in my head through most of this film that kept repeating, “Girl, run.” Like the 2016 sci-fi movie “Passengers,” if you were to switch which of the two main characters is the lead of the story, the film would veer from romantic drama to horror instantaneously.
This is a difficult subject and I commend Capalad, who also wrote “Asynchronous,” with tackling it and I recognize that he has a perspective on it that doesn’t match my own. But this is going to be a difficult watch for some and a trigger warning is definitely warranted.